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Cygwin: Can't quit Emacs using C-x C-c

Tags:  Cygwin   Emacs   
Created on Fri, 25 Nov 2011.
Last Modified on Fri, 20 Apr 2012.

Motivation Behind This Cheatsheet

On some installations of Cygwin on Windows XP, it is impossible to exit Emacs using C-x C-x

The Cheatsheet

It turns out that the C-x key is trapped by the OS. The fix for this is to set a Windows environment variable:
Then quit all of the Cygwin windows and start them up again.

Further Discussion

This was a very annoying problem. I don't take credit for the solution, I was just really happy that someone figured it out. See the source for the original post.


PLEASE let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or if you have any suggestions or requests~

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