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I tried to install the jdk via
sudo apt-get install jdk
but got:
E: Couldn't find package jdk
To install pacakges via apt, you need only type
sudo apt-get install package_name
But, what if you don't know the actual name of the package? you end up getting something like
E: Couldn't find package package_name
So, it helps if you can search the list of packages. Run
sudo apt-get update
to update the packages. Then
apt-cache search my_best_guess
and the package names containing my_best_guess will be listed. Use
apt-cache search my_best_guess |less
to show 1 page at a time if there are many listings. 'q' will exit the less displayer. Install using the approriate pacakge name.
uninstall with
sudo apt-get remove pacakge_name
PLEASE let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or if you have any suggestions or requests~
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