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Entry 1: Google Web Fonts For Cross Browser Font Support

Topic: Web Design   

Tags:  Tools   WebDesign   

Created on Tue, 10 Apr 2012.

There are lot of methods to add cool font to yoru page. For titles and headers, you can use images instead of text, or you can use a some scripts and modules which will change letters to their font image equivalent.

However, using images is not goot for CEO, so people usually recomment staying with the standard "font-family: Verdana Helvetica Ariel" combination. Those fonts are usually found across all browsers, but they can be a little boring for a good look.

I stumbled upon Google's Web Fonts which was very nice. A pleasant gui to choose your fonts, then after adding them to your collection you can hit "use" and they will give you a line of code to link the font in your <header>, the 'font-family' line to put into your CSS (put it in body{} if you wan't everything in that font), and they have a gauge which will tell you how linking the font will affect your page load times.

All nice and easy, I was glad to find it.

PLEASE let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or if you have any suggestions or requests~

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